The Cayuga Neighborhood is prepared to respond to any emergency with information on personal preparedness and better neighborhood resiliency. Each household is part of a community network that promotes personal preparedness for each family. This ensures all residences are familiar with a neighborhood plan that ties into the City’s plan, and works collaboratively with the City’s Public Safety Agencies and Social Services. All participants are trained on basic first aid and understand how to activate a Neighborhood Emergency Response Team (NERT) to support the City’s response, generally, and the neighborhood’s needs, specifically.
- Roving Block Parties to better know neighbors block by block, identify potential leaders and promote neighborhood safety issues and concerns, e.g., public safety, resiliency, etc.
- Neighborhood Fest: Utilize city template to coordinate a resiliency focused event to familiarize community with preparedness tools, city response agencies, community service providers, PG&E, NERT, etc.
- Integrate Community Connectors to address Senior Plan concerns/issues
- Clarification of neighborhood role when City EOP is activated
- Define and develop plan for HUB concept
- Convene a Leadership Academy for the Outer Mission (OM)
- Identify types of training and how best to conduct
- Identify grants/funding
- Participate in City’s Disaster Council
- Participate in appropriate city trainings and exercises
- Develop relevant CNIA Resiliency Committee goals and objectives
- Customize existing plan from NEN for the Cayuga
- Meet with City Agencies, e.g., BOS, City Departments
- Meetings scheduled at SFPD Ingleside Station
- Identify issues for OM special needs, homeless populations
- Familiarize with current City Emergency Operations Plan (relevant sections)