Please consider becoming a member or renewing your membership with the Cayuga Improvement Neighborhood Association (CNIA). As a supporting member, your contributions help support our events.
Membership Levels
The annual membership is $10.00 per household, due in September of each year. You may prepay up to five years in advance:
Make checks payable to "The CNIA"
Please include the following information with your contribution:
Mail or drop off your check to:
Acting Treasurer James Alexander
1621 Cayuga Ave.
San Francisco, CA 94112
Please don't mail cash!!
If using cash, please drop off your contribution directly at the Treasurer's address.
You need a PayPal account to use this option. Venmo is available through this PayPal account.
ARTICLE 3: Membership
All residents and merchants within the boundaries of this district shall be eligible for membership. Merchant and business members will be entitled to the same benefits as residential members with the exception that they may not vote.
Section 2:
Annual dues will be assessed for an increase on all members as determined by the Executive Board, and presented to the general membership. Any changes in the amount of these dues for the next calendar year will be proposed by the Executive Board and approved by a quorum of the general membership at the general membership meeting following the meeting that the increased fees are proposed.
Section 3:
The organization recognizes individuals who live outside its boundaries may be considered eligible for membership, but cannot be voting members. These individuals support the organization and may receive the newsletter as “Friends of The CNIA". These individuals will be asked to pay a suggested yearly donation the same as for members who pay dues. They will be entitled to some member benefits but cannot be voting members.