The Cayuga Neighborhood Improvement Association is a neighborhood organization initially established to insure the neighborhood had basic infrastructure, such as paved streets and adequate lighting - not a given back in 1939. It was incorporated in 1978 and is a registered 501(c)(3) organization.
As the neighborhood evolved over the years, the CNIA has promoted civic improvement with the goal of bettering the general welfare of our neighborhood. Members regularly attend meetings at City Hall and report back to membership. We regularly speak in front of city commissions, serve on a Task Force, remain in regular communications with District 11 Supervisors, and have a permanent seat at the District 11 Council.
We have sponsored workshops on crime prevention and neighborhood resiliency preparedness. Our advocacy on behalf of Cayuga Park and Playground resulted in a complete renovation of the original 1952 Cayuga Park. We continue to advocate for more classes, including the current Zumba and Senior Art classes.
We also organize and sponsor Cayuga Park celebrations, such as the Eggstravaganza and disaster preparedness events. We worked with the Friends of the Urban Forest to bring trees to homes at a discounted price and our members helped to plant them. We meet with department heads and coordinate beautification projects.
Located in the outer, Outer Mission, the Cayuga Neighborhood Improvement Association’s boundaries for residents and businesses are from Mission Street to San Jose Ave, and from Onondaga Avenue to Sickles Avenue. Members need not live within this area to join the association, however, the bylaws mandate that only residents within the boundaries may vote.
From its inception, the CNIA has been successful because of its members and we can be more effective with YOUR involvement. The Cayuga Neighborhood Improvement Association is your neighborhood organization working to improve the quality of life in our corner of San Francisco, resulting in a safer, friendlier, and more beautiful environment.
Located in the outer, Outer Mission, the Cayuga Neighborhood Improvement Association’s boundaries for residents and businesses are from Mission Street to San Jose Ave, and from Onondaga Avenue to Sickles Avenue.
Members need not live within this area to join the association, however, the bylaws mandate that only residents within the boundaries may vote.
From its inception, the CNIA has been successful because of its members and we can be more effective with YOUR involvement. The Cayuga Neighborhood Improvement Association is your neighborhood organization working to improve the quality of life in our corner of San Francisco, resulting in a safer, friendlier, and more beautiful environment.
Our boundaries are from Mission Street to San Jose Ave, and from Onondaga Avenue to Sickles Avenue.