The PRESIDENT shall preside at all regular and special meetings of the organization and enforce the rules and regulations of the organization. In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall preside. In the absence of both President and Vice-President, the Secretary shall preside. The President, when in doubt, shall have the authority to question the eligibility of a person or persons to debate or vote on an issue on the floor. The President shall have the power to fill all vacancies of officers and committees.
In addition, the President of the CNIA is the public face, the primary representative of the CNIA. The President is the interface with City agencies and the primary contact person. He/she networks with other neighborhood association Presidents, represents the CNIA at D-11C meetings and disseminates information to the Board on issues that affect our area. He/she is authorized to vote at City meetings when timeliness is an issue and then brings the topic, the vote, and information behind the vote to the Board at the next Board of Directors meeting. In all other cases, the Board will vote as a group . The President keeps the Association focused on positive integration with City government. He/she will also provide mentorship to incoming Presidents, as needed, for six months.
The VICE-PRESIDENT shall preside in the absence of the President and perform such other duties as assigned by the President.
In addition, it will be the job of the VP to keep the CNIA calendar and write the agendas for Association meetings. The VP will find speakers, track emails, and act as point person for receiving, responding to, and appropriately forwarding emails. He/she will edit the President’s column for the newsletter. The VP disseminates newsletters to members electronically.
The SECRETARY shall keep the minutes of all meetings. The minutes of the previous meeting shall be presented to the membership for approval. The Secretary shall also record all business and vital correspondence, as deemed by the President or Executive Board.
The TREASURER shall: