Thanks for taking our poll! We asked and you responded. We got 25 responses through our Google Poll, as of December 31, 2021.
CNIA member Glenda Hope has proposed that we install a PitStop Toilet in the Outer Mission to serve our houseless neighbors, our mail carriers, our delivery service providers, and our elderly.
We delivered our proposal (see below) to Supervisor Safai's office in February 2021 and are tracking decision-making processes, which is informed by budget procedures and decisions for the next Fiscal Year (August 2021).
We've been informed that our request was not included in the City's budget for 2022. We are continuing to work with the Supervisor's office to address the lack of public toilet facilities.
Help our proposal get through by providing "poo data" :) Seriously, report instances of human waste, and any other neighborhood challenges so our data shows the needs we have in our neighborhood. Graffiti, trash, it all matters. The more data we can share up to City Hall using 311, the more they will take this request seriously.