January 2023
Mission Inn Update by Lea Fabro, Larkin Street Youth Services
In August 2022, Mission Inn, a housing program for young people experiencing homelessness ages 18 to 24, officially opened its doors. Operated by Dolores Street Community Services and Larkin Street Youth Services, the housing program will have 50 units available and is now currently home to 41 young people.
Residents are expected to be in the age range mentioned above and are expected to either be employed or looking for employment.
Each unit has its own bathroom and kitchenette. The building is also under renovation to add laundry access onsite. Residents have access to activities such as wellness groups, life-skills development programs, and case management at least once a week. The program staff encourages youth to prioritize their career, educational goals, and mental health. This means helping them get their GED or high school diploma, support with college applications, and teaching them ways to manage their mental health.
Young people who are interested in applying for the housing program must be assessed at one of the Youth Access Points: